It’s with tears in my eyes I write this post. Let me give you some background. I grew up with my Daddy fixing everyone home, he was Mr. Fix-It. In fact we buried him with his favorite pair of pliers and screwdriver. He didn’t really do the work for the extra money, he loved to work with his hands. Being a daddy’s girl I was always helping him when I could. So two years ago, after my long unhealthily marriage ended and my mom’s health began to fail, I move back home. It had been almost twenty five years. This old house needed some love and attention, I could certainly relate to her needs. I tackled the yard first, it was Daddy’s pride and joy. To see it reduced to weeds broke my heart. But two seasons later and a little hard work it’s looking like it did when I was a kid. I’ve also focus on the interior as well. Fixing what I could. During this time I began my spiritual journey and I’ve learned so much about how this life works. Abundance is something that I have been drawn to. It’s one of the intentions that I work with, when crafting my Spiritual Baths. These past two moon cycles I’ve been really working on my ability to manifest my desires. Slowly I’m seeing things unfold. Ok let me bring this thing home. I’ve been wanting to change out the porch post to update the house’s curb appeal. I thought it would be expensive and I’d have to “work” to save money first. Well Beloved there’s a fence company not far from my house and they set out discarded materials weekly. After Spirit inspired me to YOUTUBE “how to change out porch post”, I learned that I could wrap my existing post and change the look. I still thought I would need more money. How about I just got all the materials I needed off that pile up the road! Now I’m sitting here typing this post as I rest before starting the next post (I have already done one and it looks awesome). AND I will have enough to do my mailbox post!
Today I remembered that abundance has little to do with money and everything to do with having what is needed. I needed the knowledge and the materials to accomplish my desires for my porch. Thanks Universe and Daddy 🙏🏼💚