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I have to shout out some huge thank yous to a few folks.

Pretty Boss TV @Iamkendrajustine beautiful lady, when I began this leg of my journey, studying crystals, you where my teacher via YouTube. You inspired me to get the book Ask and It Is Given by Ester and Jerry Hicks. My life will forever be changed. Thank you for all of your content. The amount of time and energy you pour into your tribe is ahhmazing! Kendra I love you and THANK YOU!

Behatilife @behatilife Jess! I found your YouTube channel looking into tarot reading and how to understand the cards. I kid you not, I was at the mall with my daughter before her 16th birthday, she wasn't driving yet that's why I was there. To pass the time I sat in the chairs near the escalators. I put my earbuds in and watched about two hours of your videos. I felt a connections to you because your a Virgo like me. When you said that you're a witch, my mouth fell open in shock and a child like excitement came over me. You gave me permission to feed the fire in my belly. I love and thank you!

Steve Nobel on YouTube DUDE! your meditations are other worldly. I've meditated before but nothing like what you have on your channel. Simply WOW! I love what you do and thanks for the energy that you share.

Lisa Lister @sassylisalister Darling! your book Witch is possibly the most liberating book I've ever read. I can't tell you how much I love your book, I have told anyone that will hear me to buy this book. Please ask HH to put more in the DFW area. I bought the only two in the tri city area. Lisa I love you and many thanks.

Rebecca Campbell @rebeccathoughts I loved your book Light is the new black so much that I went out and bought Rise Sister Rise before I was half way through. You my dear, are a gift to the people. I also go around thumping your books to anyone that will listen. I love and thank you!

Bo$$y Bruja @bossybruja Beloved the delicious energy that flows from you and your IG page is pure awesomeness! Thank you for the Love Invocation this month too, it's right on time with my current intentions. Look at the Universe looking out for me. I love you and THANKS!

Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!

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